EU SALES PAUSED — Sorry people, but I’ve had to stop shipping to the EU for now while I figure out the new GPSR rules. It’s a frustrating mess with conflicting answers everywhere, but I’m confident it’ll get sorted soon. Thanks for bearing with me.
Vestax PMC-05Pro, PMC-06ProA, PMC-07Pro

Celebrating the Vestax PMC-05Pro, 06Pro, and 07Pro mixers

And remembering Toshi san.

Toshi Nakama Vestax

Foreward — dedicated to Vestax’s Toshi Nakama

Back in April, I was contacted by industry legend and old friend Toshi san. He was the guy behind all the glorious Vestax gear that we know and love. Having seen my Vestax Trinity print online, he wanted to support me directly by buying one for his wall.

His only request was that his print had his monogram on it. A short mock argument over signature vs monogram sizes ensued because he insisted mine be bigger. But I ignored him because it was such a huge honour for me to know that he would have my work on his wall.

And then a few weeks ago, he died. An aggressive form of Cancer took him from us. I’ve already written about this at greater length on LinkedIn.

Needless to say that the timing of this release is bittersweet. So I’m dedicating this set of Worxlab editions to the memory of Toshi Nakama.


I suspect that if you’re here, you had, have, and perhaps still use one of these mixers. You also probably know all about their place on the DJ timeline. Because you were part of it.

If not, I suggest you read my original Vestax Trinity launch article where I talk in a little more detail about their importance and iconic status. No need to repeat myself.

Vestax PMC-07Pro mixer limited edition fine art print
The whole Vestax PMC-07Pro lineup.

The Prints

Given the nature of the PMC Pro mixers, colour is the obvious route — the gold faceplates with a clash of assorted reds, yellows, and greens combined with a somewhat liberal use of fonts is a retro joy to behold.

So a full-colour version is a given*. But I’ve also been experimenting with how to make a monochrome version that makes sense. Grey Style is the result that sits somewhere between Colour Style and Line Style and delivers the best of both worlds. And I absolutely love it.

*In the process of colour matching, my mint condition 06 slipped out of my hands. I managed to stop it from hitting the floor by using my leg which has left a permanent scar. But I’m supposed to suffer for my art right?

Size-wise, nothing changes so full-sized A2, plus 12 and 7-inch versions are available.  This is the regular Worxlab edition rather than a special like the Vestax Trinity. The runs are as limited as ever – A2 is 20 prints, 12 inch is 33, and 7 inch is 45.

After these are sold, there will be no more. That’s rather the point of limited editions.

Click on the links below for the mixer of your choice and make your wall a happy place.


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