This is a weird feeling. It’s like I’m back in the DJWORX chair breaking hot DJ news all over again. You see, happenings in the DJ world impacted on my release schedule last week. Please allow me to explain.
Bar some last-minute colour matching, my Allen & Heath Xone:92 illustration has been finished for ages, nay aeons. Indeed, it was the basis of the first-ever commission aka the Xone:92A limited edition to celebrate 20 years in production.
I was finally ready to press the unleash button when word hit me of A&H releasing the Xone:92 MK2 on the same day I was going live with my print. Bugger. Oh well — rewrites ensued.
But that’s all done. So I’m happy to announce that my Xone:92 MK1 print is available in the shop today.
Always learning
Just like with the Xone:96 print, the faceplate colour brought some challenges. And it once again turned my inner perfectionist into a crippling demon. But having learned the lessons last time around, I’ve got it to a point where my “good enough” is about as close as anyone could reasonably expect to get.
That’s not all — as I now push myself to learn the finer points of Adobe Illustrator, I’ve dabbled with transparency to achieve something like the clear bezel around the larger buttons. You do see the faceplate through them, and I feel like I’ve got something close to the effect.
It feels weird to draw something current. The Xone:96 is still very much alive and kicking, but being a digital unit is likely to be updated sooner than the Xone:92 was.
But now at least, the release of my print coincides with the OG 92 effectively being a retired classic. Only nine more years and I’ll be that too.
So get this while you can. Just 50 limited edition prints at £125 each, with shipping all over the planet. Christmas is close right? Just saying.
You can grab the print from the shop page.